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The Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre
Waqf Project
Almanaar will incure the cost for long lease and fit out, which is currently estimated to reach £1,200,000, including £580,000 for the lease only. As of 7th March 2024, we have raised donations from our community £301,263.00.
We are confident that, with Allah's help and blessings, we will raise the remaining amount to secure the lease and establish the social enterprise projects that will serve the community while generating sustainable income to Almanaar to continue delivering activities and services that meet the needs of our community in-sha-Allah.

Between March 2020 and March 2021 we distributed:
Face Masks distributed
Reusable prayer mats
Dates packs distributed
Food packages/groceries
Hot meals distributed
Food packages delivered to vulnerable members of community
Services offered During Lockdowns
Covid-19 Anti-body Tests accessed by 150 people
Covid-19 Vaccine virtual Information Sessions in English, Arabic and Somali languages
Almanaar Therapeutic Counselling Service delivered 875 sessions
Covid-19 Vaccinations administered at Al-Manaar Centre for 186 people. This number will increase during 2021
Weekly Sessions for New Muslims and those interested in Islam, covering topics on the basics of the faith to intellectual discussions on history and health
Al Manaar is a national role model of social impact and engagement.
We aim to build on top of this success story
Leading centre of first victim response
Regular congregations and services for thousands of locals
Best managed Islamic community centre in the UK
Homeless support & Community Hub Kitchen
Joint success with Megan and the famous cookbook “Together”
Deep relationships with the Royal Family, Christians, Jewish and interfaith communities
Fundraising for Macmillan Cancer Support
Expand our social impact for the community from the community
Lease premium for enhanced shell and core: £580,000
Internal fit out cost high level estimate: £420,000
On cost estimated as 12% of lease premium + internal fit out: £120,000
Legal, Insurance and Associated Costs: £80,000
TOTAL estimate: £1,200,000
To build on Almanaar’s status as a national role model of social engagement.
To bring to fruition a community led project in partnership with the Local Authority
The provision of new services that respond to local Muslim community needs.
A financially viable project that generates a sustainable stream of income so Almanaar does not have to rely on ad-hoc donations.
Community kitchen rental space 157.5m2
Community nursery 149.3m2
Finalize terms in 4-6 weeks
Conditional contract
RBKC Build: 18 months
Al-Manaar or tenants fit out: 6 months
CONTACT: Tabassum Awan
EMAIL: t.awan@mchc.org.uk
PHONE: 07976109423
CONTACT: Abdurahman Sayed
EMAIL: A.sayed@mchc.org.uk
PHONE: 07500223914
“…Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves…” Qur’an 13:11
You can also donate offline by using the word “Waqf” when making a bank transfer or arranging standing order payments.
For further details on how to donate using different methods, see the section 'Ways To Donate'.
Ways To Donate
Donate via SMS Text message, to 70085.Example: “MCHCTRUST 10″ to donate £10.
Texts will cost £10 plus standard rate message. Maximum donation by SMS is £20 pounds.
Account Name: The Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre TrustAccount Number: 51001136
Sort Code: 60-15-33
IBAN: GB04NWBK60153351001136
Swift Code: NWBK GB2L