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Al-Manaar Youth Development Initiative
New youth club sessions starting up at Golborune youth centre
For 11-19 years old.
AYDI activities are delivered at the Golborne Youth Centre (3 minutes walk away from Al-Manaar Mosque and Centre). Activities are regularly reviewed and updated in consultation with the participants.
Support with Employment and Training Food and Games AQA Accredited Training Sessions Guidance and Support with school options, choosing a college
We want you to tell us what you want running at the youth centre, so come and let us know what you would like to do.
Tuesday: 5:00 – 7:00pm at Golborune Youth Club
Saturday: 1:00 – 4:00pm at Al Manaar, Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre
Contact Abdelfatah: 07932027399

Youth Development Initiative
New youth club sessions starting up at the Golborne Youth Centre.Learn how to design websites that convert and give unforgettable experience.
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