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Official Opening of the Acklam Road Building
September 30 2024 23:00
Official Opening of the Acklam Road Building
It’s official! The Acklam Road building, located opposite the Almanaar Building, and where our Waqf project will be based in, is now open, and what a memorable opening it was.
A member of the Almanaar Youth Club delivered an outstanding speech and unveiled the plaque, which was created by the youth club members themselves! You can watch the video of the ceremony by visiting the gallery on our website. Guests were amazed by the courage and confidence of Adam, our youth member, who impressed everyone with his brilliant speech.
We’re close to reaching our fundraising goal for the WAQF project, so please don’t forget to contribute. Donations can be made via the website or in person at the centre. Every contribution helps Almanaar secure the vital space on the ground floor!