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A Statement from RBKC’s Cllr Gerard Hargreaves
November 29 2018 15:55
Kensington and Chelsea Council is proud of its continuing work with, and support for, the Al-Manaar Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre.
Al-Manaar has worked tirelessly for the local community, providing help to all those who need it. We will not forget that within hours of the Grenfell tragedy, Al-Manaar opened its doors to everyone in need of shelter and care. This was typical of their unwavering commitment to helping those affected. Through initiatives like the Hubb Community Kitchen Al-Manaar has continued to work tirelessly to rebuild a true sense of community for those whose lives have been touched by the tragedy.
It’s ironic that sensational reporting has sought to link the centre to individuals involved in terrorism, when the organisation is a longstanding and very active supporter of local counter-extremism initiatives, including sitting on our local Prevent Advisory Group.
Al-Manaar’s exceptional interfaith work is widely recognised around the community. By erecting a sukkah in partnership with members of the local Jewish community, feeding the homeless with other faith groups or simply the huge range of activities the centre runs that are open to all, Al-Manaar’s actions match their frequent condemnations of those who would seek to divide our community through violence.