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November 29 2018 12:37
As representatives of churches in North Kensington and beyond, we are deeply
saddened by the misleading media reports about the Al Manaar Cultural Heritage
Centre and Mosque.
We stand together with Al Manaar in opposition to all terrorism, just as we worked
together in response to the Grenfell Tower fire.
In the aftermath of the fire – and to this day – the Centre has actively supported
distressed residents, including survivors and the bereaved of all faiths and none. Its
response to a disaster that has traumatized thousands in our local community has
been compassionate and committed. The Centre continues to make a vital
contribution to an ongoing and developing network of care and support in North
Al Manaar’s highly visible presence at the St Paul’s Cathedral National Memorial
Service on the sixth month anniversary of the fire demonstrated beyond doubt that
the Centre stands firmly against divisive extremism, and for national unity.
We very much value our friendship with Al Manaar, as together with so many people
and organisations we seek to help re-build a devastated community.
The Rev’d Prebendary Dr Alan Everett, St Clement Notting Dale and St James
Norlands (Church of England)The Rev’d Dr Mike Long, Notting Hill Methodist Church
Fr Gerard Skinner, St Francis of Assisi Notting Hill (Roman Catholic)
Mary White, Church and Community Development Worker, Latymer Community
Church, Bramley Road
The Rt Rev’d Dr Graham Tomlin, Bishop of Kensington (Church of England)