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Ramadan 2025 Rules & Guidelines
February 28 2025 00:00
These guidelines serve as a reminder for worshipers and visitors of the Mosque to adhere to the following rules during Ramadan:
1.Mobile Phones
Please switch off your mobile phones while inside the Mosque. If you need to make or answer a call, kindly step outside to avoid disturbing other worshipers.
2.Respect for Others
Show the utmost respect to fellow worshipers, staff, volunteers, and visitors. Your behaviour and interactions should reflect the good teachings of the Islam.
3.Supervision of Children
While children are welcome, parents and guardians are strongly encouraged to keep them within designated prayer rooms for families. Their safety and well-being are your responsibility, and they must be supervised by you at all times.
4.Conduct of Young Worshipers
Some young people come to the Mosque without the intention to pray and instead wander the streets, causing disturbances. Please advise your children that if they do not wish to pray, they should remain at home. If they attend, they should pray and leave quietly without causing disruption.
5.Parking Considerations
We strongly encourage worshipers to park away from the immediate vicinity of the Mosque. Blocking streets or gates can cause inconvenience to neighbours and may obstruct emergency services such as ambulances and fire engines. Please park responsibly.
6.Cleanliness and Hygiene
Help keep the Mosque, prayer halls, and toilets clean. Eating inside the Mosque is not allowed. Dispose of water bottles in designated bins. While toilets are cleaned daily, all users must ensure they leave the facilities clean and dry after use.
7.Reserving Prayer Spaces
Reserving spaces for late-arriving friends is not permitted. The Mosque is open to all worshipers, and everyone has the right to sit wherever space is available. Preventing others from using a space will not be tolerated, and management will take necessary action if needed.
8.Use of Chairs
Chairs are designated in specific areas for health and safety reasons. They must not be moved to other rows.
9.Personal Belongings
Keep your belongings, such as bags and jackets, with you at all times. Do not leave them unattended.
10.The Spirit of Ramadan
Ramadan is not just about fasting and prayer—it is also about respect, responsibility, and helping one another. Increase your rewards by taking care of your Mosque and cooperating with staff, volunteers, and management.
May Allah accept your fasting, prayers, and good deeds. Ameen.
Ramadan / March 2025
Almanaar_Ramadan_Rules_and_Guidelines.pdf Heading
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