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October 27 2021 21:32
On Wednesday 27th October from 11 am to 2 pm, Al-Manaar hosted an event celebrating the wonderful women of the Hubb Community kitchen and all the work they have done over the past few years.
The Mayor of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, Councillor Gerard Hargreaves, was in attendance and in a speech he made at the beginning he expressed his appreciation for all that the Hubb Ladies have accomplished. He also awarded certificates to the ladies of the Hubb Community Kitchen.
A number of speakers were invited to the event; PC Charlotte Wall from the Metropolitan Police service, Beth Herlihy from the Royal Foundation, Venu Dhupa, the CEO of Westway Trust, Dr Meena Nathan a local GP and Summra Nassir a nutritionist.
Halfway through the event, the Hubb ladies were surprised with a call from Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, and each were gifted with beautiful flower bouquets, which the women greatly appreciated.
Lunch was provided for the guests, and was cooked by the Hubb Ladies themselves, many of whom made their delicious signature dishes.
The event was a huge success and it was great to see all the women of the Hubb Community Kitchen together once again, and to celebrate their incredible achievements.