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Muslims and Covid-19
August 17 2020 18:42
[etpbsection fbbuilt=”1″ builderversion=”4.4.8″ custommargin=”-54px|||||” custompadding=”||0px|||”][etpbrow builderversion=”4.4.8″ minheight=”109px” custompadding=”0px||0px|||”][etpbcolumn type=”44″ builderversion=”4.4.8″][etpbimage src=”https://wp.almanaar.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/WhatsApp-Image-2020-08-06-at-10.57.21.jpeg” titletext=”WhatsApp Image 2020-08-06 at 10.57.21″ builderversion=”4.4.8″ minheight=”1140px”][/etpbimage][etpbtext builderversion=”4.4.8″ min_height=”173px”]Muslims and Covid-19: Advice For Mosques and Worshippers.
From 8th August, face coverings or masks will be mandatory in places of worship in England. We strongly encourage attendees wear a mask while attending any of our services or activities.
You may be refused access to the mosque if you don’t wear a facial covering of some sort. Those exempt from face covering are; children under the age of eleven and anyone who’s pre-existing mental or physical illness or disability would be stressed with a face covering.
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Muslims & Covid-19: What Are the Facts?
Unfortunatley, there are people attributing the current spike in Covid-19 cases on BAME communities. However, this is false. Mosques were the first places of worship to close before the goverment enforced the nationwide lockdown and we proactively suspended many events during lockdown (those including daily prayer and Friday congregations, Ramadan, Eid Al-Fitr, and even our Hajj delgation.) Additionally, we even encouraged face coverings and social distancing before officials mandated them.
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Muslims & Covid-19: Assumptions are Dangerous.
Making unsubstantiated assumptions about how Covid-19 is spread is not just wrong: it’s irresponsible. There is NO genetic susceptibility to Covid-19 in BAME populations. There is NO evidence that BAME and Muslim communities are breaking social distancing by visiting each others homes any more than other communities.
The discrepancies that affect BAME and Muslim communities are due to many factors, especially socio-economic. Making broad assumptions or oversimplifying is inaccuarate and DANGEROUS. It gives a fales sense of reassurance to other communities and contributes negativity onto already marginalised communities.
[/etpbtext][etpbimage src=”https://wp.almanaar.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/WhatsApp-Image-2020-08-06-at-21.24.55.jpeg” titletext=”WhatsApp Image 2020-08-06 at 21.24.55″ builderversion=”4.4.8″][/etpbimage][etpbtext builder_version=”4.4.8″]
Muslims and Covid-19: What Explains the Spikes?
20% of healthcare staff are BAME/Muslim, and 33% of all medical staff are BAME/Muslim. Those who are on the frontline are more exposed and vulnerable to the virus.
53% of all taxi drivers and London bus drivers are BAME/Muslim. Along with delivery drivers, they are more exposed and vulnerable to the virus.
30% of Bangladeshi and 15% of Pakistani households are overcrowded, and it is proven that people living in multigenerational households (especially those with family members who are 70+) are more exposed and thus, more vulnerable to the virus.
Discrepancies in testing, particularly location based discrepancies, also make figures difficult to interpret. There may be more communities testing positive for Covid-19 than others because of these discrepancies.
While there are some who do not adhere to the social distancing guidance, there is NO EVIDENCE that BAME/Muslim communties in general are not taking the pandemic seriously.
All information was provided by the British Islamic Medical Association and The Muslim Council of Britain.