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Suspension of all congregational activities (COVID-19)
March 17 2020 01:05
In light of the latest advice issued by the UK’s Chief Scientific Advisers, the MCB is calling for the suspension of congregational activities in UK masaajid and Islamic centres. We recognise the centrality Muslims place on prayer and congregational prayer as they strive to seek their religious obligations. This call therefore is not taken lightly, but is in keeping with our Islamic teachings.
(For the full press release, see https://mcb.org.uk/press-releases/mcb-calls-for-the-suspension-of-congregational-activities-at-uk-mosques-and-islamic-centres)
This decision has been made based on:
– Public health advice calling for the stopping of “non-essential contact”, the UK’s Chief Scientific Advisor, who called for the public to avoid gatherings “big or small” and the Health Secretary who noted the inclusion of faith gatherings in the advice as he said: “We have seen from elsewhere in the world how sometimes it is through religious gatherings that this virus can spread. With the deepest regret and with the heaviest of heart, we do include faith groups and gatherings of faith within the advice” (of avoiding unavoidable social impact)
– BIMA, representing Muslim medical and health professionals, saying it is “unsafe and harmful to continue business as usual, or even with significant adjustments”. (https://twitter.com/BritishIMA/status/1239626972420083714)
– Muslim scholars, as reflected in organisations such as the British Board of Scholars and Imams (specifically a majority of BBSI members consulted), as well as a number of institutions and international bodies, believe that the individual obligation to perform Friday prayers in mosque congregations be temporarily lifted. (https://www.facebook.com/1845989692377988/posts/2410769115900040/)
We have an obligation to protect one another from harm, and medical advice makes it clear that congregational activities increase the risk of transmission and harm not only to our communities but the wider society.
Whether it be at the mosques (particularly Friday prayers) which draw crowds including the elderly, vulnerable and those at high risk, weddings, social events or simple day-to-day activities, it is imperative that this extraordinary step is taken to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our communities, and our country as a whole. The MCB is confident that the Muslim community will undertake the difficult measures needed in such unprecedented times and put our trust in Allah.
The Muslim Council of Britain does not take this unprecedented step lightly and urges communities from across the UK to come together at this difficult time for our nation.
“And rely upon Allah ; and sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.” (Surah Ahzab: 3)
? Latest guidance on www.mcb.org.uk/coronavirus
? For any queries, contact [email protected]
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