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The first Janaza prayer at Al-Manaar Mosque Since Lockdown
July 15 2020 20:17
Earlier today the first Janaza prayer took place at Al-Manaar Mosque under strict social distance measures. The Mosque remained closed for congregational prayers since 18th March 2020.
Any reopening will be subject to a review that will take place on 25th July 2020. In the meantime services such “janaza prayer”,”nikah” and counselling will continue to be provided. Assistance with food parcels is also being provided until end of July 2020.
The Mosque management have recently implemented risk assessment and sanitisation with deep cleaning. We are in the process of developing an app and online system for registration, tracing and tracking when we reopen for congregational prayers and other large gatherings.
On Sunday 12th July 2020 the Chairman of Al-Manaar’s Board of Trustees, Dr. Abdulkarim Khalil, virtually met with the community to give update on why the Mosque reopening for congregational prayers was delayed. He was joined by a specialist in infectious diseases, a representative of the MCB and an Imam from Leicester city that is currently under extended lockdown due to renewed spread of Covid-19. In his address Dr. Khalil emphasised the need to ensure the safety of our worshippers, visitors, staff and volunteers as well as the entire community was the main consideration behind the approach. Similar emphasis were echoed by all the guest speakers.
Regular updates will be provided through our website and social media outlets.