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Temporary Shelter for anyone and all faith affected by the fire at Grenfell Tower.
June 14 2017 09:12
Assalamu Alykum
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For people affected by the Granfell Tower fire and looking for information about persons, please contact the “Missing Person Line” on 0207 361 3008.
Please seek information from the right statutory authority. Avoid listening to rumours and hearsay.
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Here at Al Manaar, we’d like to say thank you to all those who helped out yesterday. The people of this borough have responded exceptionally in this difficult time. As for now we are fully stocked but please keep an eye out on this page as we will be announcing if we are in short supply of certain items and if we will be requiring volunteers.
Peace to you all
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Please do not bring any more emergency supplies to Al-Manaar Centre. We are trying to disperse of the existing ones. We will announce if we need any more supplies in the coming days. Thank you for your generous support and cooperation.
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Any Centres housing people affected by the fire and in need of blankets and food supplies, please come to Al-Manaar Centre at 244 Acklam Road, London W10 5YG. Our volunteers are organising large supplies and will be happy to assist if you can arrange collection.
We have been receiving large quantities of food supply, toiletries, water and other essentials…thanks to the local and wider communities…we are currently trying to assess needs and we will keep updating this page. In the meantime, please bring no more supplies as we have no more space to store them in.
Thank you so much for all your support, we are fully stocked up and can’t accept anymore item donations at the moment as we are running out of storage. However, you can still donate by cash to contribute to the hot meals we will be providing.
Main topic
Al-Manaar Mosque and Centre are open for use as a temporary shelter by anyone affected by the fire at Grenfell Tower. Anyone of any faith or no faith is most welcome to walk in to have some rest, sleep, and or have some water and food. Al-Manaar staff and volunteers will also be trying to deliver water, dates, and other emergency essentials to the affected area.
Please call us on: 02089641496 or 07754271744.
Email: [email protected]
Our address: 244 Acklam Road London W10 5YG
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time #latimerfire.
Temporary Shelter.
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