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This Weeks Elderly Wellbeing Activities!
May 11 2023 16:57
This week has been jam packed with amazing events for the group of ladies at Al-Manaar. As Ramadan is over the group of women have their yoga and mindfulness sessions back on every Tuesday and Wednesday morning but they’ve had 2 special events which they attended and absolutely loved!
Sunday 7th May 2023 – King Charles Coronation Lunch
Our very special Intlak Alsaiegh (Elderly Wellbeing Manager) due to her years of experience and relationship building was invited to the Coronation Lunch for King Charles! She took the group of ladies with her and some volunteers for the event. The atmosphere was amazing and there were a lot of high profile attendees which they took pictures with, have a look!
Tuesday 9th May 2023 – Buckingham Palace, Queens Gallery Trip
Every few weeks the group of women go on a trip planned by Intlak and this time round they went to Buckingham Palace, Queens Gallery! The exhibition currently on was Style & Society Dressing the Georgians. The day started off by the women meeting with the host and running through a short presentation on the history and what rooms they can expect to see. They then went off to go around the gallery and they were astonished by the history they saw. The preservation of the jewellery and clothing of the Georgians was wonderful and unique. Enough reading, have a look at these photos from the trip!