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Al Manaar expresses sadness at the passing of Her Majesty the Queen
September 9 2022 09:20

Al Manaar (MCHC) Centre expresses sadness and sorrow at the passing of Her Majesty the Queen. Our condolences and thoughts are with the Royal family and the nation during this time of national grief.
It is to be recalled that the Queen and the Royal family have been great supporters of charitable work and philanthropist initiatives. Al-Manaar Centre was inaugurated by the then HRH The Pince of Wales and the present HM King Charles III on 17 May 2001. Since then members of the Royal family visited the Centre and the community in North Kensington on numerous occasions, including after the tragic Grenfell Tower fire in 2017.
The Duke and Dutchess of Sussex have remained supportive of our community through our community kitchen and the charitable work associated with it.
May HM the Queen rest in peace.
Al-Manaar Trustees, Management, Staff, Volunteers and Community.
8th September 2022